Dr.Elizabeth Fulgaro
It all goes back to the vision for the troops - even though Eagles Nest Foundation serves many others too in their own battles, or in grief. I had to get these songs "over there" and developed Worship Toolkits as a way to do it. These gift bags of spiritual sustenance have continued as a frequent initial point of contact for those those Eagles Nest serves. This is still military, military families, veterans and Gold Star (fallen warrior) families. But now also includes others in life battles, grieving a loss or endeavoring to get through traumatic events. ​
Worship Toolkits hit the mark on several levels. First, recipients feel seen, known, and valued. Someone cared enough o send something. Secondly, when recipients begin to use the songs, listen to or read devotions and books included in the gift bag, it automatically aims their thoughts more toward God and makes it easier to stay there. The songs have lyrics which talk with God honestly about questions, confusion and grief.
Worship Toolkits are customized according to Holy Spirit prompts for the individual recipient. However, often the following items are included. Note: there now are USB drives in production for those who do not have CD drives or players:
Everything needed to draw closer to God, ask for His help and lean on Him more at all times during the year including Christmas season and when words and active verbal worship are too much and you just need to rest in His presence (soaking in the Holy Spirit)
Ascend in Worship album
Eternity album
Stand Up
Truth-Spiritual Manual for Battle book
Truth-Spiritual Manual for Battle audio book
Christmas Worship
No Words
Handwritten note of encouragement and support
Prayer coin
You Carry Me album
Even Now album
Grief-Thoughts and Reflections (by Michael & Danielle Everett)
So You Sent Your Son (Christmas song prayers0
No Words Two
Handwritten note of encouragement and support
Prayer Coin
You can request a worship toolkit be sent to yourself or someone you believe would be blessed to receive one. You can also support Eagles Nest continuing its mission by purchasing the Worship Toolkits either with instructions where to send it or for you to personalize and forward. Email