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I was born in Northern California and grew up for the most part in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Gold country! Eureka! (I found it.) Well... I found God.


I always knew I was a writer. However, I thought I would write novels which took you away from life's troubles. Instead, though novel-writing may still be in the future, for now the focus is spiritual support for you to help you come strongly through what's hard. Song prayers, devotions, social media posts, written prayers and books to help you go as close in your relationship with God as your heart desires. (And the tighter you go, the more of His peace you will find.) And songs--lots of them--which are prayers. Songs that talk to God. Not about Him. Listening to the songs and eventually singing them, creates a space in your heart and mind where distractions, anxieties and fears are pushed back and out so you can hear God better. You make yourself available for God to touch you in exactly the way you need.   


By the way, I say all this, knowing distinctly what it is like not to know God at all and not to know that He is even somewhat knowable. Been there. Done that. Lived in that space for 10 years where I was not sure God was even real. 


I have learned what it's like to actually encounter God. To feel His presence around and with me. To hear His voice. To know the Holy Spirit wants to help me know God, receive inner healing for the hurts that just happen, and understand God's moment by moment will for me. To love being His child, which means to worship, pray, listen and obey. To rejoice in His plan over my own and follow where He leads. To not need to see the full path because He does. To live in His peace...and matter what. I want this for you. So all that is created here is for you to use toward that end. 


I don't want to be known as a "good" or "great" singer. I am not looking for fame. Celebrity holds no attraction.  That's not why this spiritual support exists. Instead...  I want you to come to know more deeply and richly who you are to God and the purposes to which you are called in this life. Ones designed by Him. I want you to know that where you have been and what you have been through is not a hindrance to God. He can transform the ugliness into an attribute. A way---because of where you have been—that you can uniquely serve Him. Or rather, that in His name He can place or send you alongside others. For His glory! Because every God assignment (and there are many) is not for your elevation, but for His. I want you to turn to Him and let Him heal you from the inside out and grow you more into His image. Never finished. Never complete. So always on the journey, but growing. 


I want you to listen to the songs. To use them. Find your favorite or favorites for right now. The ones which speak to you. Pick an album or play list. This SONG GUIDE can help. Listen to the ones you select repeatedly until they are etched onto your heart and mind, Select some more.

Know that I pray for you daily. Yes, for the most part, we have not met.  But still I pray for you. And I think about you as I write and as I work on new songs. I ask Holy Spirit what He wants you to have.       


~Elizabeth Fulgaro


The LORD bless you and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you];

The Lord make His face to shine upon you [with favor],

And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness];

The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval], 

And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].

(Numbers 6:24-26 AMPC)


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from Elizabeth

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